Why your Desperation Leads to your failure?

4 min readNov 2, 2022
Photo by nikko macaspac on Unsplash

You have been wasting time for years, procrastinating on everything and now you realize you need to make changes so you decide to replace your bad habits with good habits.

And Here’s probably what your next day looks like -

Wake up at 4 am
Workout for an Hour
Eat Breakfast and Fresh UP
Work for 6 hours
Work for another 4hrs
Read before Bed
Go to bed at 9 pm

“What a productive day”, you say to yourself, before going to bed happy and satisfied with yourself.

You follow this set schedule for 2 days and then Give up and Return to your OLD habits as a Master dumbass.

A week passes, and you watch another motivational video by some millionaire self-help guy on YouTube, who tells you “you are not successful because you are not disciplined” and you decide to quit every bad habit then and there and fail again.

Years pass by and you ask yourself, “What am I doing wrong?” to answer this question, you go on to YouTube and there you are greeted with the same old answer of discipline and hard work but your life still sucks and you start to blame your genetics or something for your situation.

This is what the Self-improvement YouTuber, Hamza calls “Self-Improvement Depression

He says in his video, that you are in this stage because you haven’t improved your mental health and I agree with him. When I first watched that video I tried to improve my mental health and then gave up on it in two days.

And I concluded that the more desperate you are, the less likely you are to get the thing you want.

When I first read Mark Manson’s book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, Its first chapter confused me for a long while, after all, How could you get something if you Don’t Try? Yeah, I understand that you can’t tell your mind to not be anxious because it will make it more anxious, but, What about money?

This is where Desperation comes in. You see, the more you battle anxiety the more anxious you become. The same thing applies to Making money, getting girls, or any external goal. When you are desperate you act in counter-intuitive ways that propel you further away from your goal.

For example: Let’s say you are desperate to Build Muscles, you want it as fast as possible, so you decide to do 4 hr workouts every day and then you crash after 3 days and don’t go back for another 5 days. So for 3 days of Gains, you lose 5 days.

The same applies to making money, if you are desperate for money then you decide to work 12 hrs a day to get as much done as possible to make more money. Whilst in reality the best way to make money would be not to spend every waking hour working, it would be taking care of your health by sleeping and exercising so you perform better, and learning so you can provide more value.

Your Desperation makes you try harder to compensate for all the time you wasted and thus waste more time.

I have been stuck in this phase for a year, I would try to do good habits that would Improve my mental health and then my desperation for money would hit, and I would overdo it and give up, then wonder why I haven’t changed at all.

Just Yesterday I realized that I have been stuck like this because I am so desperate to be rich. As long as I will act desperately I wouldn’t improve my life in any area, whether it be health, wealth, or relationship.

I would have to improve my mental health to not be anxious about my current life situation because it can’t change in a day, it will take time. I will have to accept that I don’t have money right now and it’s ok.

After all, in the story of the Turtle and Hare, the Turtle was the Smart one and Won in the End, and the Hare lost because he thought, he could win by Rushing.

What’s the solution then?

You have to sit down and Journal to understand why you are so desperate and if that reason makes sense or is driven by your ego.

And if it makes sense, How long will it realistically take to get what you want?

You must consider all of these before deciding on a plan.

Thanks for Reading.




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